Horeca Concept

Look for a dispenser that:

  • does not fail continuously,
  • have reasonable purchase and management costs
  • fill the bottles quickly
  • manage the doses, without causing the water to be drained every time and wet the bottle
  • has a modern design instead of resembling a "bancomat"

you can stop the search, you found what you were looking for

STOP" to the fake sparkling water

the common gastors on the market produce poorly sparkling water that after a few minutes loses 90% of the bubbles, becoming once at the table, unpleasant to the palate. Our appliances all equipped with world-wide patented technology "Karbony", allow perfectly refrigerated and gassed water to be supplied.

Forget that feeling of sour or bitter given by the common sparkling waters, with Karbony the water is gassed with a process that slows the formation of carbonic acid, making it little acid and definitely sweet to the palate. Just a single sip of this sparkling water to be fascinated.

The water also keeps the bubbles and freshness up to 40 minutes, even in containers without cap.

The "real" alternative of quality to the bottle of "mineral".

Always having at “hand door” absolute quality water at room temperature, refrigerated and gassed is a great convenience, as well as saving time, money and pollution for the environment.

We face the HORECA channel with thirty years of experience, we are partners of the most important chains of the Food in Italy, thanks to the competitive price policy and the capillary network of assistance throughout the Italian territory. We offer a range of Top luminaires, made in Italy, suitable to meet the requirements of each type of room.

You can buy the machines directly, without retailers, at the best market prices and take advantage of the "Bonus Filters" of the State, or choose the Operating Rental that offers a complete service, a small monthly fee, taxably deductible and with possibility of final redemption.


eliminates bottle management, increases available space, eliminates stocks


eliminates self-consumption of personal bottles


free warehouse, refrigerators and cells


the service is faster, press a button and fill the bottle


improves service quality, yes saves: time, space, energy and much money


gives enterprise image attentive to environmental issues and offers a significant contribution to the environment

Renting a dispenser should be

  • Save on buying bottled water
  • Energy consumption reduction
  • Fixed monthly charge, without variable charges
  • Taxable taxable taxable
  • Bottles and prestigious carafes, customizable
  • Image of activities focused on environmental issues
  • Possibility of final redemption

now you can choose the most suitable rental for your business

Base or Full service including ordinary and extraordinary maintenance

or opt for purchase

switching to a dispenser is so important that the State offers a "FISCAL BONUS"

50% recovery of the purchase cost, (max. 2.500,00 euro)

a complete range of appliances, specially designed for water, reliable, hygienic and designed to speed up service

All types of water

Pure and lightweight Ultra filtered water, always of excellent quality

  • Nature
  • Natural Refrigerated
  • Refrigerated gas

ultrafiltered water

Why settle for that "microfiltrate"?

For us quality is important, precisely for this reason we have chosen a professional treatment system that combines filtration, active carbon microfiltration, ultrafiltration with a medical-born fiber membrane, able to mechanically stop bacteria and viruses, safely and accurately. Hardly you will have had such a good water

need more information? contact us to receive quotations and more technical information

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